“If you love the science, it’s right here, every day.”
In today’s TeamNexperia employee stories: Mehzabeen in Manchester shares her professional journey at Nexperia and her thoughts are on women in technology. Initially as a Graduate- then Post-Graduate Application Engineer, Mehzabeen works at the Manchester site with a growing team, doing what she loves.
“To be honest, I don’t know why more women don’t come into this field. Physics and mathematics are fascinating, and semiconductors leads on from them, so why not? As a woman is it different? I don’t see why, I mean, I can be a CEO, I can be a leader, there’s nothing to say why I shouldn’t.
People notice you here, they value you, acknowledge your work and your role and your input. I can’t imagine a job where that wouldn’t happen. Being part of a group that looks out for each other, works well and has fun—isn’t that what work is supposed to be? “
Read more – https://www.nexperia.com/careers/our-people/Mehzabeen.html
#TeamNexperia #employeestories #partofsomethingbigger #womeninstem
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