???? Think about the number of battery-powered remote control devices you encounter on a daily basis. Classic examples include remote controls for the television, set-top-box and music / sound systems, but don’t forget about garage door openers, blinds, lights and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, to name just a few. While you might not have to change the batteries in an individual unit often, the number of batteries required quickly gets astronomical when thinking globally.
☀ ???? Our Business Marketing Manager for Energy Harvesting, Rodrigo, recently posted about his homemade self-charging TV remote solution using our NEH2000BY Evaluation Board. We loved the ingenuity and are excited to share an application page he created with colleagues showing a potential remote design, including a block diagram and design considerations – https://www.nexperia.com/applications/computing-and-consumer/self-charging-remote-control
According to the Global E-Waste Monitor, roughly 54 million metric tons were generated worldwide in 2019, representing an increase of 44.4 million metric tons in just five years. The trend is expected to continue, with projections estimating a 30 percent increase by 2030. We’re all in on finding practical solutions to ensure a sustainable future for our electronics.
#sustainability #energyharvesting #ewastemanagement #designengineering
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